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Our Congregations

Service Times at 1035 Wade St. Iowa City 52240


Open Door Community (English)       Teresa Stecker       10:30 AM

Chinese Community Fellowship          Xiande Hong          10:30 AM

First African Service                               Chaplain Tosingilo   1:00 PM

Unidos en Cristo (United in Christ)     Dayrin Lovan           4:00 PM

Open Door Community

Open Door Community

Open Door in Iowa City is a Christian congregation serving the Iowa City community and seeking, engaging, and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.  This service starts at 10:30 AM every Sunday.

Open Door in Iowa City, Iowa seeks to be a loving, friendly community that worships God, and serves others. We place a high priority on teaching from the Bible and following the example of Jesus.

Our vision is to impact and renew Iowa City, Iowa and beyond with the transforming message of Jesus Christ through words and actions. Come as you are - we'd love to get to know you.

Unidos En Cristo

Hispanic Unidos en Christo

La Iglesia Unidos en Cristo se esmera en fielmente en cumplir con la gran commission.  Creemos que unidos en Cristo podemos alcanzar a nuestras comunidades para Cristo.  Estamos aqui para servirle no importa su cultura, su situacion, o su condicion. Aqui encontrara amor, paz, hermandad y la esperanza de una vida mejor que solo Cristo puede ofrecer. Filipenses 4:13.” todo lo puedo en cristo que me fortalece.”


La Iglesias Unidos En Cristo es una Iglesias donde puedes encontrar un ambiente de familia, donde se mantiene unida en el amor de Cristo, un mismo sentir, Orando siempre los unos por los otros. Tenemos programas para cada miembro de la familia somos  muy activos, siempre tenemos algo para ti, ofrecemos estudios biblicos para las mujeres como para los verones, tambien tenemos un ministerio de compassion para responder a tus necesidades pero lo mas importante que tenemos es un servicio de oracion porque tenemos muy claro que la respuesta a todo la encontramos en la oracion:


Jeremias 33:3 dice “clama a mi y yo te respondere y te ensenare cosas grandes y ocultas que tu no conoces.”

United in Christ Church strives to faithfully fulfill the great commission. We believe that if we are united in Christ we can reach our communities for Christ. We are here to serve you no matter your culture, situation, or condition. Here you will find love, peace, brotherhood, and the hope of a better life only Christ can offer. Philippians 4:13. "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”


At United in Christ Church you can find a family atmosphere, held together in the love of Christ with one mind, always praying for each other. We have programs for every member of the family. We are very active, always have something for you, and offer Bible studies for women and men. We also have a ministry of compassion to meet your needs. More importantly we have a prayer service because we are convinced that the answer to every prayer is found in Jeremiah 33:3 which says, "Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."



First African Nazarene

Although we all love Jesus Christ and communicate his teachings through the tenets of the Nazarene faith, every culture expresses this through different music and traditions of their beautiful cultures. 


The African Community of the Iowa City Church of Nazarene expresses their faith in the French language.  Many members of our Congregation are from various areas of Africa. 


Along with music and special traditions, members of the African community in Iowa City, can come and be comfortable in an atmosphere that cherishes their native cultures. 

First African Nazarene




我们信圣灵,三位一体之第三位,他永远与基督的教会同在,并有效地运行在教会中,叫世人知罪,使悔改及相 信者重生,使信徒成圣,引导人进入一切在耶稣里的真理。 







Chinese Community Fellowship is like a family, sharing our love by eating together, encouraging, and helping each other. We meet in small groups and prayer meetings throughout the week, coming together for worship on Sunday morning. 


Our purpose is to restore the New Testament church of the Bible. Our focus is to see soul’s saved and to make disciples. On this journey to fulfill our purpose of “saving souls and making disciples,” Chinese Community Fellowship has seen the lives of many changed and seen them find their vision in Jesus Christ.


Chinese Community Fellowship

Chinese Community Fellowship
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